Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Web 110 Introduction

Hi, my name is Emily and I'm taking Web110 this semester. I'm pretty excited that my first assignment for the class is to make a blog. I do have a blog already, and blogger is a site I'm very familiar with and visit several times a week.

I'm supposed to type a paragraph about something I'm passionate about... I'm not very comfortable sharing too much at this point. I will say I love to travel. I spent Winter Break on a road trip to Texas and back and got to experience some pretty amazing things. I spent a day in New Orleans, and am very much looking forward to making my way back as soon as possible. I love Houston and Atlanta too. I guess I enjoy cities that feel like big cities and live up to expectations.

If this assignment is any indication of what to expect from this class, I'm very much looking forward to the semester. Thanks for stopping by and have a good day!
Me in New Orleans